41 FAD Recruitment 2021: Indian Army, Application is invited for Combined Recruitment for Tradesmen Mate, Junior Office Assistant, Multi Tasking Staff & Fireman Posts. .There are total 458 vacancies available for these posts. Applicants to the posts posses with 10th/12th qualifications are eligible to apply. The last date for submission of application form is 06 August 2021. More Details about 14 FAD Recruitment 2021 like application and application address are given below . 41 FAD Recruitment 2021, 41 FAD Bharti 2021, 41 Field Ammunition Depot Bharti 2021, 41 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2021, 41 Field Ammunition Depot Bharti 2021 .
41 FAD Recruitment 2021
Advertisement No. (जाहिरात क्र.) : 01/41/2021
Total No of Posts (एकूण पदसंख्या) : 458 Posts.
Name of the Post(पदाचे नाव):
Post No. | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancy |
1 | Tradesmen Mate ट्रेड्समन मेट | 330 |
2 | Junior Office Assistant (JOA) जुनिअर ऑफिस असिस्टंट | 20 |
3 | Material Assistant (MA) मटेरियल असिस्टंट | 19 |
4 | MTS मल्टी टास्किंग स्टाफ | 11 |
5 | Fireman फायरमन | 64 |
6 | 255 (I) ABOU Tradesman Mate 255 (I) ABOU ट्रेड्समन मेट | 14 |
Total | 458 |
Educational Qualification (शैक्षणिक पात्रता):
Post No.1:
- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University/Board.
- 10वी उत्तीर्ण
Post No.2:
- 12th class or equivalent from the recognized University/Board. (ii) Skill Test : 35 WPM typing speed in English on Computer or a typing speed of 30 WPM in Hindi on computer. Qualifying in nature only.
- (i) 12वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) कौशल्य चाचणीः संगणकावर इंग्रजीमध्ये 35 श.प्र.मि. टायपिंग गती किंवा हिंदीमध्ये 30 श.प्र.मि. टाइप टायपिंग गती.
Post No.3:
- Graduate or equivalent in any discipline from any recognized university or Diploma in Material Management from a recognized University/ organization.
- कोणत्याही शाखेतील पदवी किंवा मटेरियल मॅनेजमेंट डिप्लोमा
Post No.4:
- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University/Board.
- 10वी उत्तीर्ण
Post No.5:
- (i) 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University/Board. (ii) Height without shoes 165 cms., Chest (unexpanded) 81.5 cms , Chest (expanded) 85 cms., Weight-50 Kgs
- (i) 10 वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) उंची 165 सेमी, छाती न फुगवता 81.5 सेमी. छाती फुगवून 85 सेमी, वजन 50kg
Post No.6:
- 10th class or equivalent from the recognized University/Board.
- 10वी उत्तीर्ण
Age Limit (वयोमर्यादा ):18 to 25 years as on 16 July 2021
- SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation
- OBC: 03 years Relaxation
Application Fees (अर्ज शुल्क ):
- No Fee. (फी नाही.)
Job Location (नोकरीचे ठिकाण ): All India
Address to Submit the Application (अर्ज सादर करण्याचे ठिकाण):
- The Commandant, 41 Field Ammunition Depot, PIN- 909741, C/o 56 APO
Last Date of Submission of Application(शेवटची तारीख):
- 06 August 2021
Note : Candidates are Requested to Read the Detailed Advertisement before Applying for the post.
सूचना : पदासाठी अर्ज करण्यापूर्वी उमेदवारांना तपशीलवार जाहिरात वाचण्याची विनंती.
*Important Link*
Advertisement (जाहिरात) & Application Form (अर्ज) :
How to apply (अर्ज कसा करावा) :
- Postal stamp ₹ 25 + 02 photo + required documents should be attached with the application given in the advertisement.
- जाहिरातीत दिलेल्या अर्जासह पोस्टल स्टॅम्प ₹25+ 02 फोटो+आवश्यक कागदपत्र जोडावेत.
Official Website: www.indianarmy.nic.in
41 FAD Recruitment
41 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2021
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