Mahavitaran HallTicket : Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Corp. Ltd. (MahaDiscom) is going to conduct online examinations for recruitment to the Upkendra Sahayyak posts. For this examinations hall tickets are now available here to download. Applicants who applied for this examinations may use following official website link to get the hall tickets download. Applicants need to provide the require details to get the hall tickets download . MahaVitaran Bharti , Mahadiscom Bharti,Mahadiscom HallTicket .
Mahavitaran HallTicket
महाराष्ट्र राज्य वीज वितरण कंपनी लिमिटेड – उपकेंद्र सहाय्यक भरती (ST) Exam Hall Ticket |
परीक्षा Exam | 26 October 2021 |
NEW परीक्षा प्रवेशपत्र Exam HallTicket | Click Here (इथे बघा) |
Mahadiscom halltickets download
Mahadiscom Bharti
Maharashtra Sate Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MahaVitaran)